Sunday, October 21, 2012

a little more stitching...

I did a bit more stitching on the back of my tape measure but forgot to do the centre of the flower so just have that to do ,then it is done . I blanket stitched the back piece on . I don't have good close up light when I did this while watching tv as I usually go in my sewing room but it's come out ok I think.

herringbone stitch on the edge.
doing the centre of the flower.
This is a pic I took of my clivia bush . It is flowering now quite well this year and the sun was out too ....unlike today as it is pouring with rain!!! Yesterday was nice but not today and just because it is a day off tomorrow it will probably decide to rain too.  It is long weekend here in NZ...labour weekend.

my clivia bush in flower.

We are extending the chook run up in the bush a bit so I hope it stops raining.  Wayne has the week off next week so will probably get it done one of those days. Well that's all for now so I'm off to sew something or just fluff around in my sewing room for a while.
chippy having a rest .

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