Friday, April 02, 2010

THANK GOD IT'S OVER!! (nearly)

I'm so glad daylight saving is over this weekend! The weather has been great , I must admit . We need rain for the tanks! we are down to 1 full tank but if we only had 1 we would have been buying water in! It is dark in the morning now , I can hardly see when i go out to feed my chooks and half of them are still in 'bed' !! I never got up today till 11.45am !! I guess I have already my extra '1 hours sleep early !! (ha! ha!) Well off to do some baking and eating too. have a happy easter break everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. Can't wait for it to be over. While it's light outside I get the guilts and feel I should be doing something out there when I'd rather be inside sewing and talking of food - I'm so over salads bring on the Winter goodies I say.
    hug - Miche'le
